Frequently Asked Questions

Please click on the boxes below to review the most frequently asked questions and answers. If you need further assistance, please reach out to us via email at

General Questions

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When did the new Colorado Pyramid Model Training content become available? 

The new Colorado Pyramid Model Training launched on August 1, 2024. This 50-hour series-based training includes infant/toddler and preschool content, along Colorado-specific “bookends” and is recognized as a Training of Special Recognition in the Professional Development Information System (PDIS).   


How was the Pyramid State Leadership Team chosen and what will they do?  

We accessed the Pyramid Network regarding PSLT (Pyramid State Leadership Team) membership by creating a nomination process allowing the network to inform leadership. We received 35 nominations. All 35 were accepted by the nominees and then HCCC finalized selections with support from our funder and a consultant.  

The Pyramid State Leadership Team collaborates to provide insight, context, expertise, and guidance toHealthy Child CareColorado on matters of programming, research, opportunities, funding, and systems alignment.The teamensures thatPyramid-related effortsmaintain relevance, meaning, and utility in local, state, and national contexts. They alsosupport ourannual priority areas, acting to ensure success.  

How can I provide my thoughts or feedback on the Pyramid Colorado’s work? 

Healthy Child Care Colorado and partners are committed to an inclusive process welcoming those interested in and impacted by Pyramid Model today and in the future. We have reached out to many stakeholder groups to invite thinking partnerships. Updates regarding how Pyramid work impacts and is impacted by our changing Colorado early care and education landscape are shared through the HCCC and Pyramid Colorado newsletters. You can submit suggestions or questions to Pyramid Colorado and the Pyramid State Leadership Team at 

Pyramid Training Participants

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How do I find Colorado Pyramid Model Training (CoPMT) opportunities?   

Please check the Healthy Child Care Colorado (HCCC)training calendar for CoPMT opportunities conducted by Pyramid Facilitators virtually and across the state. You may also check with your local Early Childhood Council (ECC) or Local Coordinating Agency (LCO) to identify 50-hour CoPMT being held in your region. These trainings, when delivered by a Pyramid Facilitator, are recognized as a Training of Special Recognition in the Professional Development Information System (PDIS).  

How can I provide my thoughts or feedback on the new CoPMT? 

Your feedback is welcomed! The best way to provide feedback is to complete the required final evaluation administered at the end of the 50-hour training series. If you have feedback that is time-sensitive or concerns that are sensitive in nature, please email  

When will the Pyramid Plus Approach (PPA) training be retired in favor of the new Colorado Pyramid Modules?

To ensure a smooth and coordinated transition, there will be an intentional three month overlap of the Pyramid Plus Approach (PPA) and new Colorado Pyramid Model from August 1-October 31, 2024. During this time, both trainings will be accepted as a Training of Special Recognition when delivered by a Pyramid Facilitator. The PPA will formally retire on November 1, 2024. 

If I took the PPA before October 31, 2024, is my certificate of completion null and void and/or do I need to take the new Colorado Pyramid Model Training to keep my training hours?  

 No. When delivered by a Pyramid Facilitator, the points/training hours earned in the Colorado Shines Quality Rating (QRIS) and Professional Development Improvement System (PDIS) for successfully completing the full Pyramid training (45-hour PPA or 50-hour CoPMT) do not expire. PPA participants do not need to repeat training once the new content is available.  

That said, participants wanting the new content for continuous quality improvement may still earn annual training points if they decide to participate in the new 50-hour series-based Colorado Pyramid Model Training.  

Do the E-Pyramid Modules count in PDIS?

The short answer is, “no,” for a few reasons. First, the PPA & the CoPMT were vetted through the state system to align with a.) training and coaching qualifications/ competencies, b.) the definition of a Training of Special Recognition, determined by the state, and c.) the Colorado Institutes of Higher Education for use to earn Credit for Prior Learning (CPL).   

Additionally, as a Training of Special Recognition that does not expire in the PDIS system, we want to hold Pyramid content in an intentional way, to unite Pyramid efforts statewide and coordinate systems that implement the Pyramid Model. We do this by including real Colorado examples in our professional development content. These types of examples, based on the lived experiences of specially trained Pyramid Facilitators, are not included in the E-Modules.  

Still, we LOVE the Pyramid Model Consortium (PMC) E-Pyramid Modules. Pyramid Practitioners have shared that they often use the E-Pyramid Modules for staff onboarding between the full trainings to engage inexperienced staff in the Pyramid Model.  

Does Pyramid Training of Special Recognition still count as an equivalency for ECE 103 in child care licensing?  

Yes, both the Pyramid Plus Approach (retiring October 31, 2024) and Colorado Pyramid Model Training are equivalent to the Early Childhood Guidance Strategies course (ECE 103) and may be used in meeting education requirements for positions held in licensed child care facilities and family child care homes. 

Can training participants receive college credit for PPA training or Colorado Pyramid Model Training?  

Yes! HCCC has been partnering with the University of Colorado Denver (UCD) and created a pathway to college credit. Participants who participate in the Pyramid Model Training of Special Recognition (PPA or CoPMT) with a Pyramid Facilitator can earn college credit as Credit for Prior Learning (CPL). Educators the entire series-based training can apply to UCD and enroll in the ECED 4202:Child Guidance course. This credit can be transferred to your 2-year higher ed institution for ECE 103 as well.   

Can training participants receive CEUs for PPA Training or Colorado Pyramid Model Training? 

For more information and a definition of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in Colorado’s PDIS system, please visit the Colorado Department of Early Childhood website. If CEUs are listed as ongoing professional development components of the Early Childhood Professional Credential 3.0, please convert CEUs to clock hours using the following formula: 0.1 CEUs = 1 clock hour.  

Facilitator Certification

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I am interested in becoming a Certified Pyramid Facilitator in the future. How do I sign up? 

HCCC has established an annual routine for accepting and hosting a Cohort of Certification Candidates. Applications and candidate selection for Certification occurs annually in May, and the Cohort is announced publicly in June. The Certification Cohort runs from late-August through June of the following calendar year.  Watch our newsletters and website for Pyramid updates, applications information (when available), and more! Pyramid updates, applications information (when available), and more!  

What are the prerequisites for becoming a Pyramid Facilitator? 

To apply to become a Certified Facilitators you need to: 1.) have completed the 45-50 hour Pyramid Training of Special Recognition with a Certified Pyramid Facilitator and 2.) hold a Trainer Credential in PDIS. Additional Pyramid-specific lived experiences can strengthen your application.

Program-Wide Implementation

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I love the Pyramid Model and would like to get more involved at the local and/or state level. How can I get more involved?

HCCC and partners are committed to an inclusive community and welcome anyone interested in and impacted by the Pyramid Model to engage in deeper levels at the local and state levels. Please consider getting more involved by: 

  • Signing-up for the Pyramid Colorado newsletter to receive Pyramid Model updates 
  • Signing up for Pyramid Pointers monthly texts with tools and tips 
  • Attending the Annual Pyramid Summit in October to celebrate the Pyramid Network in Colorado 
  • Nominating an annual Pyramid Champion who has had a collective impact on Pyramid implementation and/or systems 
I’m interested in implementing Pyramid practices in my program. Are opportunities for Pyramid Model training and coaching available? 

We recognize and applaud that the Pyramid Model content is an important component of our early childhood system! Currently we have both the Pyramid Training Project and the Pyramid Coaching Project, which are intended to support the training and coaching needs of EC providers and will continue through May 2024, to support those interested in growing their implementation program-wide. Watch our Pyramid Updates Newsletter for any new opportunities that come our way. opportunities that come our way.  

I’m interested in bringing the Pyramid practices to my local community. Will there be opportunities for communities wanting to initiate or expand Pyramid training and coaching? 

Pyramid Model work is an important component of our early childhood system.  “Community-Wide Implementation” is a newer facet of national Pyramid work and a powerful support to scale and sustain high fidelity implementation of the Pyramid Model in Colorado. Our state has deep regional roots supported by both Early Childhood Councils and Universal Preschool Local Coordinating Agencies (LCOs). Currently we are providing some technical assistance to a few groups and larger programs with multiple locations in visioning and executing community-wide implementation. Watch our newsletters and website for Pyramid updates, applications information (when available)! for Pyramid updates, applications information (when available)!  

You can submit questions related to Community-Wide Implementation to