Taran Schneider, Executive Director of Healthy Child Care Colorado says, “We’re so grateful for this three year grant from the Delta Dental of Colorado Foundation. This funding allows us to teach early childhood educators, children, and their families about the importance of oral health in the earliest years of a child’s life.”
We focus on education and prevention strategies by bringing the five basics of oral health to life through interactive training and coaching that leads to “small p” policy and practice changes in early childhood programs across Colorado. Over the past two years we reached 370 educators with Cavity Free Kids training and documented 61 policy and practice changes as a result of our work.
“Since we began partnering in 2015, Healthy Child Care Colorado has been able to reach 683 early childhood professionals and 6,124 children through our partnership,” said Allison Cusick, Executive Director of Delta Dental of Colorado Foundation. “They prioritize early childhood settings and home visitation programs that reach the most underserved children and their families, which helps address oral health inequities that our foundation is working to eliminate. We’re inspired by their goal to reach 9,000 children and early childhood professionals over the next three years.”