Amidst a global pandemic and civil unrest due to police brutality, communities of color are being disproportionately impacted on both fronts. There is a bright light shining on the many injustices and racial inequities that exist in our country and they are unacceptable. We see the deep anguish being felt by families across the country as the effects of systemic racism are being called out.
Children live in the context of their families, communities, and systems. Our shared vision is that they are valued, healthy, and thriving. At Healthy Child Care Colorado, we are committed to building safe, supportive, and healthy futures for all children. This vision requires all of us to delve deeper into conversations and actions that can lead to a more equitable society. We are deeply committed to being part of this change as individuals and as an organization.
We stand united in the belief that black lives matter.
Here are some ways you can join us on this journey to build healthy futures for all children.
•Take the 2020 Census
•There are many books, articles, videos, and podcasts that serve as great resources to learn more.
•CNN & Sesame Street’s Coming Together: Standing Up to Racism
•Read children’s books to support conversations about race, racism, and resistance
•Register to vote: Text VOTER to 26797
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