Happy New Year! Now is the time for immunization reporting – the extended due date is January 15, 2020.
For resources, including written instructions and a video to support your reporting, visit the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
Remember, public, private, and parochial schools with grades K-12 and licensed child care centers, preschools, and Head Start programs with ten or more children are required to report their aggregate immunization and exemption data to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment annually. Here’s a link to view the requirement: Colorado Board of Health rule 6 CCR 1009-2
School-age child care centers, family child care homes, drop-in centers, day treatment centers, foster care homes, day camps, and resident camps are not required to report but still must collect immunization or exemptions forms for all children they serve.
If you’ve already reported – great job! Visit the childcare immunization data to view your results.
Thank you for reporting your data. Thank you for all the work you do, every day, to keep Colorado’s children healthy!
By: Theresa Rapstine, RN, MS, CCHC Coordinator