Our Impact

We answer thousands of technical assistance requests, deliver professional development to hundreds of professionals, award capital improvement grants in nonprofit programs, and catalyze dozens of policy changes.

Annual Report

Our annual report includes a snapshot of key accomplishments over the past year, stories of impact, recognition of our funders and partners, as well as a peek at our future work. We are grateful to all who help us accomplish this important work to build healthy futures for all children in Colorado.

2022 Report

2021 Report

2020 Report

Pyramid Network Hub | 2023 Impact Report

This Impact Report is a testament to the ongoing dedication and hard work of Healthy Child Care Colorado and its partners. We hope this report informs and inspires you in your work to support the well-being of children, families, and programs.

2023 Pyramid Network Hub Impact Report

Whole Child Consultative Roles Conference | 2022 Impact Report

The Colorado Department of Early Childhood partnered with Healthy Child Care Colorado and many other organizations to host Colorado’s inaugural Whole Child Consultative Roles Conference (WCCRC)! This two-day virtual conference engaged a broad range of consultative professionals with targeted, cross-disciplinary training and regional networking opportunities. The overarching goal of this new conference was to make connections, build awareness, highlight coordination efforts, and explore innovations in the early childhood field relevant to consultative roles.

WCRCC Impact Report

Healthy Smiles Report | 2020

Healthy Child Care Colorado conducted an evaluation related to our oral health programming: training, family engagement, coaches, and child care programs that integrated best practices and policies.

Grant Impact Report

Since 2007 our grants program has offered important capital improvement funding to licensed Colorado-based early childhood programs that serve children younger than five.

Building Colorado’s Pyramid Network Hub | 2022

Our intention for the transition was to co-create an inclusive, collaborative structure that strengthens connections, resources, policies, and evidence-based practices to support social-emotional development.  This work is an integral part of our shared vision in the Early Childhood Colorado Framework, that all children are valued, healthy and thriving. Presented at the National Training Institute (NTI) 2022 Conference.

Building a Sustainable Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Network Hub: Highlights from Colorado | 2022

In 2021, Colorado’s ECMHC Network Hub was funded and began the journey to co-create an inclusive, collaborative structure that strengthens connections, resources, policies, and practices for mental health consultation to ensure children, families, and programs can thrive.

Baby Teeth Matter: Integrating Oral Health In Early Childhood | 2019

Dental disease is the leading chronic disease of Colorado children, even though it is completely preventable. Oral health affects overall health and early childhood cavities can lead to chronic pain, problems eating and sleeping, and missed school. In Colorado, a number of interdisciplinary efforts and programs have been implemented to address this problem. Presented at the Zero to Three 2019 Conference.